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Final Project – Breaking News

Final Project – Breaking News

The final project for DS 106. I came to this class scared of failure. I have not done much with computers and felt I was starting behind where most of the students in the class were. I was probably wrong. I have pushed myself to try something new every week or attempt to succeed at something I had previously failed at. In the final project I wanted to finally make my evil brick creation speak. I also wanted to try…

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Final project update – laughing bricks are creepy.

Final project update – laughing bricks are creepy.

My children have informed me that the laughing brick is just plain creepy, and I have been looking at bricks for too long. I then went back to the drawing board and tried making a short animation of the original evil brick. I used adobe photo shop ai generative fill to give the brick some mouths. The mouths were all varying in opening size. I created 8 of these frames. I then put them in Priemer Rush and made a…

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Week 10 Summary

Week 10 Summary

Sunday, I did a daily create. Since I didn’t comment much last week, I started off this week looking at a bunch of classmates’ work. I could click on summaries and see what they were up to. I am looking forward to listening to the radio shows now more then I was before. Tuesday, I got my 2nd daily create in. Monday and Tuesday I had a sick kid home from school. I think this gave me the inspiration for…

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Radio Show Week 2

Radio Show Week 2

Tuesday We got quite organized in week one. I thought we had planned for different people to put the different sections together and then one person takes the sections and make it all one. I had volunteered for the final edit and put the sections together. I did not explain well enough the idea and I was left to put it all together. (I realized this before Tuesday) I do not mind really. I think my character had the least…

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Lady Alice’s reaction to propaganda & PSA

Lady Alice’s reaction to propaganda & PSA

The following are the privet thoughts of a fictional character in a fictional universe. The opinions expressed here are not to be confused with the author’s personal thoughts and opinions. Any similarities to real people are a coincidence. Another day and more propaganda. Really another sinister poster trying to convince me to trust a computer? People are full of errors why would something they make be perfect? Well, I am sure the AI are smarter than most people and it…

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PSA – Everlast Robotic Pets

PSA – Everlast Robotic Pets

I knew I wanted to do something with AI pets, when possible, this semester. I thought with a PSA it was a great opportunity. I watched Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers as a child. There is an episode with a robotic cat that is good until Fat Cat finds a way to make it bad. This gave me inspiration for the project. What pulls on heart strings better than children? Pets. What if you could have a pet that never…

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Week 5 Summery

Week 5 Summery

Another week here and gone. Movie time is the theme. When I signed up for this class, I knew nothing about it other than it would full fill my digital intensive credit and it was all online. That worked for me. I thought or rather hoped it would involve being a movie critic. In case you haven’t noticed I have a lot of opinions or am good at coming up with one to write about. So, finding a movie to…

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Video Essay – Stealth

Video Essay – Stealth

The main assignment this week was to learn about film making by watching and reading some information. I Highly recommend the You Tube series “Every Frame a Painting”. I learned a lot and enjoyed them very much. After we did our learning, we had to take a clip of the movie and do a voice over of our critique of the scene. I was looking at the list of movies on Wikipedia, we were supplied, and I realized I have…

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Goals for DS 106 – 2

Goals for DS 106 – 2

Ah goals. Things to strive for, a marker of growth, a way to assess failure or success. I dislike public failure or failure at all. I still don’t know how to properly make a gif. I am happy with how much I have learned to do in Audacity. I am still struggling to remember how to use Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. I have discovered I like writing a blog. I like writing out my thoughts and explaining what I have…

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Week 4 Summery

Week 4 Summery

Here I am playing catch up again this week. Week 3 was rough, so it bleeds into week 4. Here are 3 daily creates in one post. here is a single I was instantly overwhelmed by the audio assignments listed for this week. So, I broke it down to just one assignment at a time and tried not to look at it as a whole. Here is the first assignment I finished. After finishing my Radio Bumper, the audio assignments…

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