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Month: March 2024

It’s Saturday night and I ain’t got no body…

It’s Saturday night and I ain’t got no body…

Today’s #DailyCreate #tdc4460 #ds106 #ds106 You as a plant. This is your destiny calling. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is: your request for reincarnation has been granted. The bad news: you’ll come back as a plant. But, there’s a silver lining… you may decide what plant you’ll be. I used adobe firefly and asked for a radish with eyes walking through the woods being watched by a hungry rabbit. It gave me this. I do…

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Week 10 Summary

Week 10 Summary

Sunday, I did a daily create. Since I didn’t comment much last week, I started off this week looking at a bunch of classmates’ work. I could click on summaries and see what they were up to. I am looking forward to listening to the radio shows now more then I was before. Tuesday, I got my 2nd daily create in. Monday and Tuesday I had a sick kid home from school. I think this gave me the inspiration for…

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Ravioli Radio

Ravioli Radio

This was a fun project. I was one of the editors of the final piece. Destiny had the honor of doing the final edit and upload. This is a sample of what some of the updates on the google doc looked like on Friday while we did the put together. We are short by almost 10 mins!  We are now at 27 mins and 50 sec We made more character dialog on Friday to lengthen the show. I think it…

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Radio Show Week 2

Radio Show Week 2

Tuesday We got quite organized in week one. I thought we had planned for different people to put the different sections together and then one person takes the sections and make it all one. I had volunteered for the final edit and put the sections together. I did not explain well enough the idea and I was left to put it all together. (I realized this before Tuesday) I do not mind really. I think my character had the least…

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What Would Your Fit Bit Measure?

What Would Your Fit Bit Measure?

#tdc4456 #ds106 Idealized Data Gatherer If you could have a FitBit-style device to measure something that can’t normally be measured that way, what would it be? It would look like a hair clip to be worn as close to the scalp as possible. It would be measuring brain waves/activity looking at how much of the invisible load one is doing in running a household. The unseen stress of making everything flow. If you have children, it adds another layer. Is…

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Seeing Spots

Seeing Spots

The Daily Create 4454 play with spots at Zazow :: Algorithmic Generative Art #tdc4454 #ds106 Splatter The Ink I named it going through. I played with the advanced settings and put it slightly out of focus with the glow setting. It makes me think of opening your eyes under water. Like you are swimming through something going through something. I like looking at the center of the picture I get a feeling of movement.

Week 9 Summery

Week 9 Summery

I started on things early this week. It had quite the list. Saturday, I posted the promotional poster for the radio show group I made Friday. When I was making it on Friday I sent the picture to the radio show group for thoughts. I am not the creator of Dr. Ravioli, and I wanted the creator’s thoughts. Summers approved of the cat. I had no creative thought for titles on Saturday when I did the daily create. On Monday…

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Who is She Talking Too?

Who is She Talking Too?

I found an audio assignment 1665 Have a Phone Conversation with Yourself. I decided to use this for Lady Alice’s part of the radio show. You get a sneak peek at the show and are left hanging on what is fully going on. Have fun guessing what is being said on the other side of the phone. Well, that was an interesting phone call.

Radio Show Week 1

Radio Show Week 1

I made a Google doc on Monday with an outline for the show. It is a good jumping off point for the group to discuss and make changes. I also used the outline provided on weeks 9 and 10 post to make a list on the Google doc of everything out show needs to contain. At least 2 of the group members work during the day so I had to prepare to wait all day for it to be seen….

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Everlast Pets – Fictional Ad

Everlast Pets – Fictional Ad

I made a commercial for Everlast Pets. I had previously made a PSA for the fake product, and I had wanted to make just an ad for it. I used for the voices and for the music and other sounds used. Overall, I like how my commercial turned out. The picture is of my lab and a few weeks old kitten. They are still the best of friends. 11780 labrador dog barks.wav by Robinhood76 — — License: Attribution NonCommercial…

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