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Month: January 2024

Outsider Art – The Daily Create

Outsider Art – The Daily Create

I am doing more than the required number of daily creates. I am not trying to be an over achiever I just enjoy doing them. Life is stressful do what makes you happy. The assignment #tdc4400 #ds106 An artist is outside of the world This Daily Create published January 30th, 2024 has 0 responses and 250 views is organized under All Daily Creates, Drawing, Photography, Visual Outsider art is a thing and is defined as: ‘created outside the boundaries of official culture’ Artist Anselm Kiefer suggests that all artists are ‘outside of the…

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Design Thoughts

Design Thoughts

I find layout and design easy. I just intuitively know when a page is balanced, what colors go together, what colors are painful to the eyes etc. I did not have to study color theory to understand color theory. When I took design at college when I was 18 it was an easy A. I saw a lot of my classmates struggle with somethings that I just knew. I grew up an Army brat. When the duty station was in…

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I believe I was avoiding this post. So, I decided to make myself do it. On 2/17/23 I found a water leak in my home. I spent the rest of the year fighting with my homeowner’s insurance. It is a long story. On January 14th, 2024, I was able to move my family back home. That week we had snow days and classes started at UMW. I got food poisoning. My husband had a rough week and I had to…

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Daily Create Colour it in

Daily Create Colour it in

Good morning. I like to do my daily create while have breakfast. Or a loose interpretation of breakfast as the case may be. Today’s morning activity was Google are currently offering a Colouring Book Experiment. Choose one and color it in. It is quite a fun activity to enjoy while having your morning coffee or tea etc. I chose to give more color to a painting by Van Gough “roses”. After I saved the image, I realized I missed one spot…

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Cat on a Toilet

Cat on a Toilet

The daily create had a cat with a camera. We were asked for the picture it was about to take. Below is a link to the assignment so you can see the picture. #tdc4398 #ds106 Cat Photographer | The DS106 Daily Create I decided to play with the AI generator on Adobe Express. I first asked for a wedding between a cat and a fish. Then a cat wedding on a beach. I decided to go with something a bit…

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#tdc4397 #ds106 Bark like a dog

#tdc4397 #ds106 Bark like a dog

We are asked to do a daily create to help get us in the habit of being creative. I will now be giving them a post here on Hurkle-Durkling. Enjoy the madness, chaos, and entertainment as you practice some good old hurkle-durkling.

10 Tips On What Not To Do

10 Tips On What Not To Do

I decided to give you 10 tips on how not to administer a Turing test. A Turing test is a series of questions that are given to a computer to evaluate its intelligence. It was developed by Alan Turing in the 1950’s. I don’t know what the questions are and have no experience with the test or the questions. It was a lot of fun thinking of what wouldn’t work for such a test. I enlisted my children as actors….

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Week 2 summary

Week 2 summary

Well, you will have noticed there was no week 1 summery. I had a rough start to the semester. Really 2023 was terrible and it has seeped into 2024. I have really enjoyed the daily creates this week and I am really proud of poem I wrote. I paired it with a picture I took in January 2022 when we got a lot of snow and lost power for over 4 days. #tdc4392 On Monday I completed my 1st visual…

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making a gif

making a gif

Well, this is the first time I have ever tried to make a gif. It isn’t perfect but it is a start. I plan to improve my skills through the semester. you will have to click on the link above to see the gif. The gif is supposed to have Rosie from the Jetsons behind Clint Eastwood. I couldn’t figure out how to get it as the background and not be on top of the Eastwood graphic. I need…

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Lady Alice E Smythe

Lady Alice E Smythe

This is a fictional character and similarities to real people are accidental. Lady Alice E. Smythe Mad genius – feels entitled to rule the world by virtue of intellectual superiority E is for Edwina She lives off a trust fund old family money. Birth place some off the grid ranch in America probably Wyoming Birth date March 25th, 2000 5ft 9in, slim, ginger hair, no freckles, can tan, green eyes, muscular but not overly fit, still looks young for age….

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