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Tag: #assignmentidea

Who is She Talking Too?

Who is She Talking Too?

I found an audio assignment 1665 Have a Phone Conversation with Yourself. I decided to use this for Lady Alice’s part of the radio show. You get a sneak peek at the show and are left hanging on what is fully going on. Have fun guessing what is being said on the other side of the phone. Well, that was an interesting phone call.

Everlast Pets – Fictional Ad

Everlast Pets – Fictional Ad

I made a commercial for Everlast Pets. I had previously made a PSA for the fake product, and I had wanted to make just an ad for it. I used for the voices and for the music and other sounds used. Overall, I like how my commercial turned out. The picture is of my lab and a few weeks old kitten. They are still the best of friends. 11780 labrador dog barks.wav by Robinhood76 — — License: Attribution NonCommercial…

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Radio Ravioli Promo Poster

Radio Ravioli Promo Poster

I knew I wanted to make a promotional poster for the radio program. So, I did. I used Adobe Firefly AI to make the basic picture I wanted. I am getting faster at getting the results I want with it. OR perhaps it is learning what I like? After I had a picture, I downloaded it and opened it in Adobe Photo Shop. From there I spent at least an hour playing with fonts, colors, sizes, and placement of words….

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911 what’s your emergency?

911 what’s your emergency?

The following is a fake 911 call Lady Alice E Smythe made as a child. It is an example of her character trait of knowing more than everyone else. I estimate her age in the recording to be around 9 years old. sit back and enjoy listing to the “emergency”. The voices are mine or my 9-year-old child. I made her so it counts. I hope you enjoyed the little story as much as I enjoyed making it.

Spooky Dialogue – Creepy Dr O

Spooky Dialogue – Creepy Dr O

I used some audio from Dr Oblivion and had some fun with it. The words I isolated and played with are AI, do, need, and or take them. I layered this in with sounds from Freedsound. This clip I made makes me think of a poltergeist. Take them! Not sure what Doctor Oblivion wants to take but there it is.

PSA Evil Bricks!

PSA Evil Bricks!

On Tuesday the 30th of January I was the victim of an evil brick. I tripped walking to my car after class just before 7:30pm walking to my car. It hurt me. I Want to bring awareness to the issue of good bricks turning to a life of crime and violence. I chose to make a billboard Public Service Announcement to help spread the word. Bricks are everywhere! As humans expand their habitat, we also expand the habitat of bricks….

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Ross Lonely No More

Ross Lonely No More

I found an image of a painting by Bob Ross and added people. I took photos I had of my kids from this year’s most recent snow and the snow we got in 2022 and added them to the painting. The snow man is actually a rice crispy treat we made in December of 2022. I think he really brings something to the table. I think the valley is much happier with children in it. The trees finally have some…

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