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Tag: #weeklysummery

Week 5 Summery

Week 5 Summery

Another week here and gone. Movie time is the theme. When I signed up for this class, I knew nothing about it other than it would full fill my digital intensive credit and it was all online. That worked for me. I thought or rather hoped it would involve being a movie critic. In case you haven’t noticed I have a lot of opinions or am good at coming up with one to write about. So, finding a movie to…

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Week 4 Summery

Week 4 Summery

Here I am playing catch up again this week. Week 3 was rough, so it bleeds into week 4. Here are 3 daily creates in one post. here is a single I was instantly overwhelmed by the audio assignments listed for this week. So, I broke it down to just one assignment at a time and tried not to look at it as a whole. Here is the first assignment I finished. After finishing my Radio Bumper, the audio assignments…

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Week 1 Summery

Week 1 Summery

I decided to go back and give you a summary of week one. We got snow week one. 1st day of classes was canceled. My kids had snow days! yay so fun. I had just moved back home after not being able to live in my house for over 6 months due to a water leak. I got food poisoning on Wednesday (I think it has been a bit). I found videos on how to use WordPress and got my…

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Week 3 Summery

Week 3 Summery

This week started off great. I had established a routine and was enjoying the daily creates. I had started draft pages for the assignments on my blog. I was organized! I was not going to be rushing at the end of the week to get it all done. Then I fell. I was walking to my car Tuesday night after class at about 7:25 pm I tripped on some uneven bricks and fell. My heavy backpack added to my instability,…

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Week 2 summary

Week 2 summary

Well, you will have noticed there was no week 1 summery. I had a rough start to the semester. Really 2023 was terrible and it has seeped into 2024. I have really enjoyed the daily creates this week and I am really proud of poem I wrote. I paired it with a picture I took in January 2022 when we got a lot of snow and lost power for over 4 days. #tdc4392 On Monday I completed my 1st visual…

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