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Category: The Daily Create

Make a Small Sculpture – Displacement

Make a Small Sculpture – Displacement

#tdc4476 #ds106 #ds106 Make a Small Sculpture Create a small sculpture with random items you have around your home or workplace. Give it a title and share your creation. I decided small is relative. I also decided to share a collaborative work. Some of you may remember that I was displaced from my home for much of 2023. We were not able to move back home until January of 2024. This piece is an ever-growing sculpture of items that have…

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On the Internet

On the Internet

#tdc4472 #ds106 #ds106 On the Internet … #tdc4472 #ds106 #ds106 On the Internet … | The DS106 Daily Create Famous New Yorker cartoon comments on the anonymity of going online. What else is true about the Internet? MsMapex: “#tdc4472 #ds106 #ds106 On the …” – ds106 Social Well, I heard Amazon was actually started by cats in order to get more boxes in homes for their incarcerated feline friends. Everything you read on the internet is true. A simple internet…

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Get Bent

Get Bent

The rumors are true that a new album is coming out from the Finnish Funk Band, Wrecked Cottsage Seabright. Use their studio photo to generate the cover art, add the album name that will spawn many sales, and list the name of their hit single from the album. #tdc4467 #ds106 Album Name and Hit Song for Wrecked College Seabright I used adobe firefly AI to make the image. I Edited it by adding the text and the line graphic. I…

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Trading Card Time!

Trading Card Time!

The daily create asked us to make trading cards on this website. Trading Card ( #tdc4466 #ds106 #ds106 Let’s play #ds106 Top Trumps I of course used Evil Brick. I went with the original with the evil eyebrows. It was a difficult choice. MsMapex: “#tdc4466 #ds106 #ds106 Let’s …” – ds106 Social Evil Brick is not 100% anarchist because he is somewhat organizing bricks to revolt against people. He has zero humility. He is tired of being used and walked…

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What made me smile?

What made me smile?

The daily create asked what made you smile today? It has been a rough week, and it is only Wednesday. I don’t have high hopes of things turning around anytime soon. Finding something that even gave me a hint of joy was a little difficult. After I found something to be happy about today fate rewarded me with a 2nd one. MsMapex: “#tdc4464 #ds106 What made me …” – ds106 Social Now the reward from The Fates! My children returned…

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It’s Saturday night and I ain’t got no body…

It’s Saturday night and I ain’t got no body…

Today’s #DailyCreate #tdc4460 #ds106 #ds106 You as a plant. This is your destiny calling. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is: your request for reincarnation has been granted. The bad news: you’ll come back as a plant. But, there’s a silver lining… you may decide what plant you’ll be. I used adobe firefly and asked for a radish with eyes walking through the woods being watched by a hungry rabbit. It gave me this. I do…

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What Would Your Fit Bit Measure?

What Would Your Fit Bit Measure?

#tdc4456 #ds106 Idealized Data Gatherer If you could have a FitBit-style device to measure something that can’t normally be measured that way, what would it be? It would look like a hair clip to be worn as close to the scalp as possible. It would be measuring brain waves/activity looking at how much of the invisible load one is doing in running a household. The unseen stress of making everything flow. If you have children, it adds another layer. Is…

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Seeing Spots

Seeing Spots

The Daily Create 4454 play with spots at Zazow :: Algorithmic Generative Art #tdc4454 #ds106 Splatter The Ink I named it going through. I played with the advanced settings and put it slightly out of focus with the glow setting. It makes me think of opening your eyes under water. Like you are swimming through something going through something. I like looking at the center of the picture I get a feeling of movement.

The Daily Create 3 of 3 for wk. 9

The Daily Create 3 of 3 for wk. 9

I have really lost all creative thought for titles this week. The Daily Create 4448 Bead Art: Turn your photo into super-cool bead art. ( I used the above linked website to create a beaded image. I after you upload the image you want changed you have the option to choose a background color besides black. I chose a pink. I think it really softened the evil brick and made him kind of cute. You should recognize the picture used…

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