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Month: February 2024

Lady Alice and Aggressive Technologies – aggressive connection

Lady Alice and Aggressive Technologies – aggressive connection

When I thought of Lady Alice E. Smythe I gave her a trust fund. This has turned into quite the opportunity. Lady Alice does not have to work and climb a corporate ladder she can buy the company! She knows she is the smartest person in the room so why not be the boss? Lady Smythe is going to be a potential investor in Aggressive Technologies. Will she be happy with just being on the board you ask? Not a…

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Why That Face?

Why That Face?

The daily Create 4421 asked why is the man making that face? Is it his drink? Is it what he is listening too? Did someone walk into the room. I had many ideas. The Kool-Aid-man busting in? Jessica Rabbit asking if he knows the words to Patty Cake. The radio explained how to spell boobies on a calculator. Perhaps he is chuckling because we all assume he is drinking tea, but it is really whisky or moonshine? Or better yet…

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Bones and Bread

Bones and Bread

The Daily Create 4417 I already submitted Week 5 so this is for week 6. Old children’s stories are scary and teach lessons. We sanitize them these days to not scare children. There was a movie made called “Jack the Giant killer” I believe. Not for kids loads of fun to watch. The giants are scary and eat people.

Week 5 Summery

Week 5 Summery

Another week here and gone. Movie time is the theme. When I signed up for this class, I knew nothing about it other than it would full fill my digital intensive credit and it was all online. That worked for me. I thought or rather hoped it would involve being a movie critic. In case you haven’t noticed I have a lot of opinions or am good at coming up with one to write about. So, finding a movie to…

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Video Essay – Stealth

Video Essay – Stealth

The main assignment this week was to learn about film making by watching and reading some information. I Highly recommend the You Tube series “Every Frame a Painting”. I learned a lot and enjoyed them very much. After we did our learning, we had to take a clip of the movie and do a voice over of our critique of the scene. I was looking at the list of movies on Wikipedia, we were supplied, and I realized I have…

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Respond in Kind

Respond in Kind

Today’s daily create was to compliment in kind to a compliment bot. The bot would not load for me. I found a picture taken about 5 years ago and thought of a compliment to go with it. I have always really enjoyed this picture of my youngest and am happy I found a way to use it. The daily create 4416. link to post This picture was taken a few months after we moved into this house. She didn’t want…

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Goals for DS 106 – 2

Goals for DS 106 – 2

Ah goals. Things to strive for, a marker of growth, a way to assess failure or success. I dislike public failure or failure at all. I still don’t know how to properly make a gif. I am happy with how much I have learned to do in Audacity. I am still struggling to remember how to use Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. I have discovered I like writing a blog. I like writing out my thoughts and explaining what I have…

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The Daily Create 4412

The Daily Create 4412

Submit a word to the poem portrait site, let Google take your pic, and see the result. This was the assignment for the daily create. MsMapex: “I didn’t know what the plan fo…” – ds106 Social The above link takes you to the post I made on Mastodon. Or you can just see the uploaded copy below. I also had to agree for google to take my picture. Since I didn’t know what the picture would be used for a held…

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Week 4 Summery

Week 4 Summery

Here I am playing catch up again this week. Week 3 was rough, so it bleeds into week 4. Here are 3 daily creates in one post. here is a single I was instantly overwhelmed by the audio assignments listed for this week. So, I broke it down to just one assignment at a time and tried not to look at it as a whole. Here is the first assignment I finished. After finishing my Radio Bumper, the audio assignments…

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911 what’s your emergency?

911 what’s your emergency?

The following is a fake 911 call Lady Alice E Smythe made as a child. It is an example of her character trait of knowing more than everyone else. I estimate her age in the recording to be around 9 years old. sit back and enjoy listing to the “emergency”. The voices are mine or my 9-year-old child. I made her so it counts. I hope you enjoyed the little story as much as I enjoyed making it.