Daily Creates – x 3

Daily Creates – x 3

here are 3 daily creates I have done this week. My creative week starts on Saturdays.

The Create on Saturday was to replace a team member on the boat. I added one instead.

Behold Grumpy Cat going for a ride! tdc4404

MsMapex: “Grumpy Cat went for a ride. #t…” – ds106 Social

For The Daily Create 4405 A poem about Lemons was required. There was a list of words that were off limits.

MsMapex: “#ds106 The Lemon Poem egg sha…” – ds106 Social

#tdc4406 I found Therapeutic. I had no idea what the daily create was looking for. When this happens, I usually say well I am skipping this one. I look at what everyone else has made. Then I sometimes get an idea. I have put together an imagine that represents some of the many thoughts that run through my head daily. I used old pictures of my children to represent different emotions, thoughts and my family in general. It is my baggage. It takes “half” of “me” to make sure everything runs. #tdc4406 #dailycreate #ds106

MsMapex: “I had no idea what the daily c…” – ds106 Social

Now I feel this is a simplified version of my thoughts. I have a lot going on right now.

The old pictures of my kids make me laugh. They really do illustrate some feelings/emotions quite well.

I should have added an evil brick.

OH, wait there is one! Tabitha is 7 and felt inspired.

2 thoughts on “Daily Creates – x 3

  1. I really enjoyed looking at your daily creates. I did mine for this week as well and it was cool to see how different your creates were from mine and how you interpreted them compared to myself. Keep up the great work!

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