Week 7 Summery

Week 7 Summery

I started the week with a daily create. I asked my children for input. It was fun we created lots of different combinations for about half an hour. It was so random and fun. I picked the combination to be used as the final submission. I posted some of their favorite images in a post.

Sunday night I sat down and enjoyed some alone time. So naturally I did the daily create.

The poster that I made for AI are people too is something Lady Alice would see in her daily life. Since she is wealthy and comes from a wealthy family, she would be part of the targeted market for this product.

I got tired of words and just made a imagine for the daily create on Monday.

More daily creating happened on Tuesday.

I finally got back to work and worked on this post for a few days. I like the results.

And now it is Thursday. I am finishing up my week a little early with Spring Break just around the corner. I spent a lot of time looking at my classmates’ stuff this week. I enjoyed it. I took the last assignment having my character react and wrote the post as her privet thoughts. I wanted to give more insight on who she is. She is not a nice person. She knows she is better than everyone. Her privet thoughts are very revealing to that end. I did pick work from my classmates that I thought were good.

So ends this week and see you after Spring Break!

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