Lady Alice and Aggressive Technologies – aggressive connection

Lady Alice and Aggressive Technologies – aggressive connection

When I thought of Lady Alice E. Smythe I gave her a trust fund. This has turned into quite the opportunity. Lady Alice does not have to work and climb a corporate ladder she can buy the company! She knows she is the smartest person in the room so why not be the boss? Lady Smythe is going to be a potential investor in Aggressive Technologies. Will she be happy with just being on the board you ask? Not a chance. She will be looking at how to take over the place. Chairman of the board or majority stake holder is what she has her eyes set on. This company is positioning itself for being a shadow governing body, a puppet master of the world. Alice is not going to sit around and let someone other than her control her fate or lot in life. The weak are stupid and need to get out of her way.

Alice will be doing background research on anyone she thinks she can use to take control of this business. A gossiping secretary, mailroom worker, an over worked assistant, and anyone on the board. She will need leverage, and ways to exploit everyone and anyone to put herself at the top. Alliances will be made and broken when necessary.

When the time is right, she will make her moves. This is her newest interest a takeover of Aggressive Technologies.

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