Radio Bumper – Weird and Wonderful

Radio Bumper – Weird and Wonderful

I had a lot of fun making my radio bumper. I wanted a sound that was scratchy. Like the transmission was not coming in clear. I wanted it to reflect the independence of the station itself. I loved that I could play around with the order of my phrases. I ended up putting them in a different order then I reordered them. I didn’t anticipate how much I was going to love playing with sound. I can see why people become sound engineers now.

It needed a picture, and my little evil brick is readily available and a good size.

I used sounds from to go with my audio recording of my voice.

One thought on “Radio Bumper – Weird and Wonderful

  1. Dr. Ravioli really enjoyed this radio bumper, he especially enjoys the part where you say cat. You should check out mine, I do a pretty good Jennifer Coolidge impression. Dont tell Dr. Ravioli I asked you to listen to it he might fire me.

    -Dr. Ravioli’s Assistant

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