Super Size Me – a daily create

Super Size Me – a daily create

The daily create asked to think of 3 things that had their size in their title or name.

  1. Mode of Transportation
  2. Creature/Animal
  3. Item of Food

Then we had the option of writing a poem or creating a picture. I chose picture and used AI or rather adobe Firefly to create some images. I did try a king crab in a hot air balloon eating a sub sandwich but that was just too creepy to share or save.

The clear winner was Koala, roller skates, and 7-layer cake.

here are a few favorites.

3 thoughts on “Super Size Me – a daily create

  1. I like how you posted all of the different ideas you had as well to make it more engaging. It shows that you actually spent times completing the assignment and chose the one that you best thought fit the requirements. I also really like the dog in the hot air balloon and thought that was a funny picture but also enjoyed the picture you used for your final product. Keep up the great work!!

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