So it begins
I am old enough to remember when DVDs were new. I had a Walkman and a Discman. I remember the sound of dial up internet. I remember life before everyone had a cell phone. I am older than Google. I love the smell of old paper books. I love the feel of paper fresh and crisp or old and soft under my fingers. So here I am making a 1st blog for digital story telling. I am behind my peers on my computer skills and that doesn’t bother me. I look forward to learning this new skill. I believe stories are important. Good ones, bad ones, long rambling ones with no point that can be seen. There is always something to learn from a story, even a bad one. Sometimes the lesson is how not to tell a story. I chose the domain name because a of a meme I saw on social media. (let’s all assume it is real) Hurkle-durkle old Scottish term meaning to lounge in bed long after it’s time to get up. I want my blog to be that thing you look at on your phone when you should be out of bed already. So follow me as I create stories good and bad and everything in between. Happiness is hurkle-durkling.